Diagonal, vertical and horizontal dimensions

You can set dimensions anywhere in a drawing. Diagonal dimensioning is for walls or other components with a pitch (see Figure 2). Vertical and horizontal dimensioning is for vertical or horizontal components.



Figure 1


Diagonal, vertical and horizontal dimensions are positioned in the drawing area in the same way.

Follow these steps:

  1. Pick one of the three dimensions under Dimensions and leaders in the Tools component tab (see Figure 1).

  2. Move the mouse pointer to the end of the component you wish to dimension and click.

  3. Now move the mouse pointer to the other end of the component and click.

  4. Determine the dimension's position by moving the mouse pointer to the desired side of the component.

  5. Specify the distance between the component and the dimension in the input box.

  6. Lastly, click the dimension into place (see Figure 2).



Figure 2


Modifying dimensions

Select the dimension after placing it in the drawing area. An input box opens with the following options (see Figure 3 below):  



Figure 3



Note: You can change several dimensions simultaneously. Select all the dimensions you wish to be changed and edit the properties.