Downloading CET Designer

On our web site,, you can buy CET Designer licenses or download a free 30 days trial version to try the program out.

Downloading a free 30 days trial version

CET Designer offers you a 30 days trial, free of charge, to get to know our software. To download a trial version, follow these steps:

Go to  our web site,

Select Free Trial.

Either create a new MyConfigura account or use your existing account to log in.


Then follow these steps:

  1. Start the download process by clicking the button Download CET Designer.

  2. Save the CET Designer.msi file on your computer's desktop. Click here to read about installation of CET Designer.




  • To be certain that your computer meets the system recommendations for CET Designer, please view this information on

  • You need administrative rights (Power User) to install CET Designer on your computer.