What you can do in CET Designer

User scenario

Below is an example of the typical user scenario with CET Designer:

A customer wants to remodel and gives you a sketch of a room. You prepare a drawing layout in CET Designer. You work simultaneously in 2D and 3D, making it easy to draw and design. The program is aware of the capabilities and limitations of different products, and won't allow you to make mistakes. You make changes quickly and effectively until the customer is satisfied. Together with the drawing, CET Designer has already automatically generated a quote, material specifications and professional 3D images. CET Designer lets your prioritize your customers. Instead of putting in hours on preparing quotes or waiting for someone else to produce drawings, you're with your customers, providing them with optimal solutions on the spot.


Not sure what features are available in CET Designer? Here are some links to help you get started.

Plan in 2D & 3D

You can work simultaneously in 2D and 3D.

Architectural design

Extensive functionality for making floor plans, including drawing walls, placing doors, windows and ceilings. Add dimensioning to your floor plans.

CAD import/export

Easy-to-use interface to import dwg/dxf drawings and to export CET Designer drawings to the dwg/dxf format.

Create PDF

You can save your drawings, quotations and reports as PDF files directly in CET Designer.

Alternatives and Options

Does your client want to choose between several alternative solutions? You can achieve this easily in the same drawing! CET Designer also displays all available options for one product in a comprehensive way, for example all the fittings for a certain cabinet.


You have access to an extensive library of accessories, such as office supplies, lamps, curtains, flowers, office and kitchen equipment.

Photo-realistic renderings

Open the Photo Lab and explore all the photograph setups and post processing options available to create extreme photorealistic 3D images! You can quickly create several photos to save, send as e-mail or print as you wish.


The part tagging functionality allows you to group products in your layout. This allows you to subtotal the price per group and to attach discount functions.

Price information

You can add prices and descriptions to your proposal for additional products that are not represented by a product symbol in the program.

Rule-based behavior

All products in CET Designer are programmed with information on valid configurations, prices, part numbers, etc. CET Designer automatically places support legs, connectors, posts, etc. This ensures accurate designs, pricing and order data.  

Instant pricing

The price is updated automatically during the layout process. The software's calculation section includes extensive functionality for working with discounts, cost/sales ratios, freight costs, etc.

Instant bill of materials

The bill of materials is always accurate, as it is instantly updated whenever you make changes to a drawing.


Unlimited possibilities to add textures to walls and floors in order to create as realistic environments as possible.