
With the Pan tool (see Figure 1 below), you can move the 2D drawing area in different directions without altering the scale. This makes it easy to create space in the drawing area without having to move the object in your drawing. This feature is on the toolbar above the 2D view in CET Designer.



Figure 1


Do the following: Click and hold in an empty space in the drawing area, and drag in the desired direction.



  • The first time you move the mouse pointer into the 2D view, hold down the mouse and drag, Pan is always the default command.

  • To pan while you are inserting an object, click and hold the mouse wheel and drag the drawing area in desired direction. When releasing the mouse wheel, you will notice that you are still in the active insertion command. Click the left mouse button to position the object.

  • To pan while you are working with an selected object, click and hold the mouse wheel and drag the drawing area in desired direction. When releasing the mouse wheel, the object is still selected and you can continue working with it.