
Zoom in or out

With the Zoom In or Out feature (see Figure 1 below) you can zoom in on or out from a selected object in the drawing area. This feature is accessed from the toolbar above the 3D view.  



Figure 1


Follow these steps:

  1. Click on Zoom In or Out.

  2. Move the mouse pointer to the drawing area. A small magnifying glass with a double arrow follows.

  3. Click and hold the mouse button in the drawing area. Move the mouse pointer in the direction of one of the arrows (vertically) to zoom in or zoom out.

  4. Release the mouse button.


Note: Besides clicking the button on the toolbar above the 3D view, you can also access the feature by:

  • Right-clicking in the drawing area and selecting the Zoom option from the shortcut menu.

  • Using the navigation control panel in the bottom part of the program window.

  • An alternative way to zoom in/out on a selected object in the 3D view is to click on the desired object (to display the red focus point) and scroll the mouse wheel to zoom. If finer zooming is required, press and hold down the Ctrl key while scrolling the mouse wheel. If even finer zooming is required, press and hold down the Shift key while scrolling the mouse wheel.

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