Placing a drawing in the paper view

There are two ways to transfer drawings to the paper view from the 2D or 3D drawing area. You can either use the feature Send to paper view or View port 2D, respectively View port 3D. Read more about the features below.


Send to paper view



Figure 1


To transfer an entire drawing, or a part of a drawing, to the paper view using the function Send to paper view, follow these steps:

  1. Click the icon Send to paper view in the menu bar of either the 2D or 3D drawing area (see figure 1).

  2. Move the mouse pointer to the 2D or 3D drawing area. A blue rectangle follows.

  3. Click in the drawing area once to set the starting point.

  4. Move the mouse pointer diagonal over the area you wish to transfer to the paper view and click when the rectangle covers the desired area. The selected area is now visible in the paper view.



  • You can also click and hold the mouse button while selecting an area with the feature Send to paper view. Release the mouse button when the rectangle covers the desired area.

  • Tip: you can use a snap grid for easier planning of a sheet's layout.


Viewport 2D or Viewport 3D


Figure 2


To transfer a drawing to paper view by using the functions Viewport 2D, respectively Viewport 3D, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the paper view and to Tools in the component area.

  2. Click on either the icon Viewport 2D or the icon Viewport 3D in the Drawing views field (see figure 2), depending on if you wish to transfer your drawing from the 2D or the 3D drawing area.

  3. Move the mouse pointer to the sheet area. A blue rectangle with dotted lines follows.

  4. Click once on the sheet to set the rectangle's starting point.

  5. Move the mouse pointer diagonally across the sheet until the rectangle's size corresponds to the size that you wish the copy of your drawing to be.

  6. Click once. A copy of your drawing is now inserted on the sheet. If there are selected components in the 2D or the 3D view the drawing will be displayed within the rectangle so those components are shown. If no component is selected in the 2D or the 3D view the drawing will be displayed so all components are shown in the rectangle.



  • You can also click and hold the mouse button while selecting an area with the feature Viewport 2D or Viewport 3D. Release the mouse button when the rectangle covers the desired area.

  • Tip: you can use a snap grid for easier planning of a sheet's layout.