Apply to Group, Position or All

In addition to changing the selected component, you can also change the material or color of several components at once, by choosing Group, Position or All. The following check boxes appear under the drop-down list when you select one of these options: Equal Components, Equal Surface Names and Equal Material/Color.

These check boxes work in the following way:



Here follow some examples of how Equal Components, Equal Surface Names and Equal Material/Color can be used:

Equal Components

Amongst many other components, there are three identical desks in different places in the drawing area. You want to change the material of all the desk tops from Beech to Brown birch.

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Right-click on one of the three desks. A pop-up menu appears.

  2. Choose Material/Color from the pop-up menu. The Material/Color Change dialog is displayed.

  3. Choose Table Top from the drop-down list next to the heading Surface Name.

  4. Click on the arrow in the drop-down list under the heading Apply to and choose All.

  5. Check the box Equal Components.

  6. Click on the arrow in the drop-down list under the heading Predefined and choose Brown birch.

  7. Click on OK or Apply.

Equal Surface Names

You want to change all the desk feet on a number of desks which are grouped in the drawing area. You want to change the material of the desk feet from chrome to black (Figure 1 and 2).

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Right-click on one of the grouped components which you want to change. A pop-up menu appears.

  2. Choose Material/Color from the pop-up menu. The Material/Color Change dialog is displayed.

  3. Choose Table Foot from the drop-down list next to the heading Surface Name.

  4. Click on the arrow in the drop-down list under the heading Apply to and choose Group.

  5. Check the box Equal Surface Names.

  6. Click on the arrow in the drop-down list under the heading Predefined and choose Black.

  7. Click on OK or Apply.


Figure 1



Figure 2

Equal Material/Color

You want to change the chrome details on all components in the drawing area to gold.

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Right-click on one of the components with chrome details. A pop-up menu appears.

  2. Choose Material/Color from the pop-up menu. The Material/Color Change dialog is displayed.

  3. Choose Table Foot or Table Leg (the default material for both of these is chrome). from the drop-down list next to the heading Surface Name.

  4. Click on the arrow in the drop-down list under the heading Apply to and choose All.

  5. Check the box Equal Material/Color.

  6. Click on the arrow in the drop-down list under the heading Predefined and choose Chrome, if it is not already selected.

  7. Click on OK or Apply.