Creating Archive Drawings

The option Create Archive Drawing enables you to create an archive (in the file format .omz), in which you can include a drawing and all its external references (imported images, textures etc.).

If you would like to create an archive drawing, follow the instructions below:

  1. Save your drawing in the usual way.

  2. Optional: To view all current external references in a drawing, go to the File menu and select External References.

  3. Select the option Create Archive Drawing from the File menu (or from the External References dialog). The Save As dialog is displayed.

  4. Go to the folder where you want to save the drawing.

  5. Enter a new name for the drawing in the field File name.

  6. Click on Save. The drawing archive has now been created and saved in the file format .omz.


Note: The .omz is an archive format. In order to open an archive drawing, select the file format .omz in the Files of type list in the Open dialog. Select the file and click Open. A Browse For Folder dialog opens. Now specify the folder in which you would like the drawing to be unpacked and click Ok.