All of the components on the Kitchen tab share the same settings dialog: Kitchen Settings. The dialog is divided into the following fields: Height, Door, Number of Drawers, Handle and Work Bench.
In the Height field in the dialog, you will find a whole range of settings for cupboards. In order to enter a value in a text box, you must first check the accompanying check box.
The following settings are available:
In the Total box, you enter the total height for a combination of the cupboards from the first group and the wall cupboards. By adjusting the total height, you can also control the Distance to floor of the wall cupboards.
In the Cupboard box, you enter the height of the cupboards from the first group.
In the Wall cupboard box, you enter the height of components from the group Wall Cupboards.
In the Tall cupboard box, you enter the height of components from the group Tall Cupboards.
A Tile wall is included automatically when positioning a cupboard from the first group. By this we mean the wall between cupboard and a wall cupboard where you often put tiles. The tile wall will show in 3D. You adjust its height in the text box Tile Wall.
A Skirting is the base that a cupboard stands on. The skirting height applies to components in the first group of cupboards and the Tall Cupboards. You can adjust the skirting height in the text box Skirting.
The last option in the Height field is Top door. If you have chosen On next to Top door in the Door field, you here specify the height of these top doors.
In the Door field in the dialog, you will find settings for the cupboard doors. In order to enter a value in a text box, you must first check the accompanying check box.
The following settings are available:
In the Type drop-down list, you choose the type of door you want.
In the Number of doors and Doors per row boxes, you can enter the total number of doors each cupboard should have and how many vertical rows of doors there should be (the maximum is two).
Using the Hanged radio buttons, you can choose whether the doors are to be hung on the right or the left.
Using the Top Door radio buttons, you can choose whether or not to have a top door.
In the Number of Drawers field, you specify the number of drawers, by choosing a drawer height and the number of drawers.
In the Handle field, in the Type drop-down list, you choose the desired handle type. Using the radio buttons Down and Side in the Position top door field, you can choose the position of the handle on the top cupboard's door, that is at the bottom or at the side of the door.
In the Work Bench field, you will find a whole range of settings.
The following settings are available:
In the Type drop-down list, you can choose the type of Work Bench.
Using the Position radio buttons, you can choose the position of the actual sink in the component Sink.
Using the Chopping board radio buttons, you can choose whether or not to have a chopping board.
When you have changed the settings, you choose which components you want to change in the drop-down list Apply to. Using the OK or Apply buttons, you confirm the changes you have made.