Quotation Information

Selecting the Quotation Information option from the Company menu will open the dialog Standard - Edit Quotation Information.

In the first field, Information and Addresses, you can change the headings and enter your desired customer information in the respective fields. In the Terms field you enter the quotation title (printed at the top of the page) and the terms associated with the quotation. In the third field, Messages, you can create completely new headings and enter texts of your choice to be shown under each respective heading. The Clear button at the bottom left of the dialog clears all your entered information and resets the headings.

When you have entered the desired text in all the fields you want to include in the print-out, click  OK or Apply.


Figure 1: The quotation information dialog.


    • If you do not enter any text under the headings in the Messages field, the headings will not be printed.

    • The Quotation Information dialog can also be accessed from the print dialog.