Camera View and Open GL

In the Camera View you can display a 3D image at the same time as you are working in the drawing area. The Camera View has two display options, a standard, black-and white mode and the colored three-dimensional Open GL mode. The window opens automatically when you position the camera on the drawing area. If the Camera View window disappears, double-click on the camera to open it again.


User Interface

The camera view has a menu bar with two menus: Settings and Open GL. Below the menu bar is the window area where you can see the contents of the drawing area in 3D. On the right-hand side of the window are a slider and five buttons. At the bottom of the window is the status bar, which displays the settings you have chosen for the camera view.

Settings Menu

On the Settings menu, there are four options which you can check:

Open GL Menu

On the Open GL menu, there are three quality options: High (slower), Medium and Low (faster). Choose one of the options. High takes longer to develop, Medium is a little faster and the fastest of all is Low.


  • If you close the camera view with the Open GL and Animate options checked, these options will still be activated the next time you open the camera view.


Slider and Buttons

On the right-hand side of the Camera View there is a slider bar and five buttons:


  • The slider and the button Re-render with current objects are only activated when Open GL is selected.