The Sketch tab

From the Sketch tab in the Camera Settings dialog (see Figure 1), it is possible to produce 3D images at the conceptual design stage or for stylized presentations. This tab includes a range of non-photorealistic rendering styles which enables you to choose the most appropriate style for your designs.

Figure 1: The Sketch Tab.


The following rendering options are available:


To develop a 3D image using sketch, proceed as follows:

  1. On the Sketch tab, select the desired sketch rendering option by clicking on one of the symbols. The selected option is shown in the field below, together with information about the rendering style (Name, Description and Value). The green fields are editable.

  2. Select Sketch in the Develop field to the right in the Camera Settings dialog and then click on the Develop button below.

Figure 2: The Cartoon sketch rendering option


Figure 3: The Color Wash sketch rendering option