The first time you open Configura Walkthrough, a help screen is displayed. You can then choose whether or not to show the help on start by clicking a checkbox. Whenever you want to open the help, just hit the F1 key or click the question mark at the bottom of the Walkthrough window.
The help shows how to navigate your walkthrough with a scroll wheel mouse or a keyboard. A good way to achieve nice, smooth movements and a high level of control is to use keyboard and mouse simultaneously. Press either left or right mouse button for mouse look* and then use the designated keys for moving forward, backward, left or right.
*Mouse look allows you to control the camera with your mouse. It gives you a first person perspective and rotates the camera around you.
With a keyboard, you can use the following functions to control your walkthrough:
With a scroll wheel mouse, you can use the following functions to control your walkthrough:
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Accessing Configura Walkthrough