Automatic Developing

You can develop images automatically using the buttons Auto 3D (Fast) and Auto 3D (Detailed) on the toolbar.

The second option of the two buttons, Auto 3D (Detailed), gives better quality (for example, sharper contours and shadows). However, it requires more developing time.

These two options are the same as the Fast light test and Photo options in the camera dialog. Using Auto 3D (Fast) and Auto 3D (Detailed), you can develop an image of the contents of the drawing area quickly and easily, the only thing you have to do is to click on the buttons.

To the left of the Auto 3D icons, you will find a Create 3D walkthrough icon

Clicking this icon starts a 3D walkthrough from a default position. This position is the same as when you use the Auto 3D buttons for  automatic camera development and can be altered in the Control Panel. Click the link below to read more about Configura Walkthrough.

Read more about Configura Walkthrough



  • Default settings for the automatic 3D images are made under the Auto 3D tab in the Control Panel. For example, it can be determined that your images should always be shot from a straight angle, instead from the default camera angle which is from the bottom and to the right of the target.