User Interface

The User Interface tab in the Control Panel contains three main fields: Help Text, Settings and Graphics Settings.

Figure 1: The Control Panel's User Interface tab.

Help Text

Help text is displayed in a light yellow box (Figure 2) when you move the cursor over a component. It contains information about the current component, for example its dimensions. Using the different radio buttons, you can choose whether you want help text to appear when you move the cursor over a component, and if you do, how quickly it should be displayed. If you choose Fast, the help text is displayed immediately. If you choose Slow, the text is displayed after a delay of a few seconds. Choose the option Never, if you do not want the help text to be displayed at all. You can also choose whether the help text should be Small, Normal or Large.

Figure 2



In the Settings field, you can change the Snap size. "Snap" refers to snap points, which are the yellow triangles or squares which appear on a component when it is activated. You can choose between eight different sizes for the snap points. The smallest size is ½ and the largest is 3.

Angle step is the size of the angle step a component takes when you drag to rotate it. Select the desired value in degrees.

Positioning step is the size of the step a component takes when you move it in the drawing area by means of the arrows on the keyboard. Select the desired value in millimeters.


Graphics Settings

To enable full access to all high quality render and Walkthrough options, and better performance with large drawings, Configura defaults to run in Full graphics mode.

Limited graphics mode is a compatibility mode which means a loss of functionality and poor performance with large drawings. Using this mode is not recommended, but could be necessary if the computer is not powerful enough for the Full graphics mode (as specified in our system recommendations), or if Remote Desktop is being used.

Should you need to change graphics mode, you'll need to restart the program apply the change.

In the Graphics Settings, you can also enable the Allow multiple Walkthrough windows option. System default is to only allow one walkthrough at a time.


Allow multiple program windows

Leaving this box checked, which is the default setting, means that a new Configura window will open each time you open a drawing from Windows. If the box is deselected, it will trigger Configura to try to reuse the same window each time you open a drawing from Windows.


Hide component tabs automatically

Checking the box Hide component tabs automatically, you can make the drawing area larger. The gray component tabs on the left-hand side of the drawing area disappears to the left. However, it will re-appear temporarily if you move the cursor to the tab row.


Flat select icons

Unchecking the Flat select icons box, will allow you to go back to the old program icons, i.e. to when their appearance on the tabs was slightly raised and more "button-like".


Reset to Default Values

At the bottom of the dialog is a Reset to Default Values button where at any stage, you can reset the settings on the tab to the default values.


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