In Configura, the help file always corresponds to the version of the application that you are currently using. You can access the Configurahelp in one of the following ways:
Simply press the F1 key on your keyboard when you are working in Configura.
Go to the program's Help menu and select Configura Help.
Click on the key on your keyboard and scroll
to the Confgura section
among your apps, where you will find the help file.
Once the help file is open, you can use it in a number of different ways.
You can:
Scroll through the contents list and double-click on the books in the list. The books contain help topics and sub-books. You open sub-books and topics by clicking on them. Sub-books can contain more sub-books at lower levels in the hierarchy.
Use the Search function to find all the topics which contain the word you typed in the text box on the tab Search.
You can also reach the help corresponding to the latest version from our website.
If terms, expressions and functions are not explained in the main help text, you will find that there are links to explanatory topics. Links which you have not yet clicked on are underlined and in blue, and links which you have clicked on are still underlined but in purple.
Text in the help which is in a bold font is text which appears in Configura's menus and dialogs. The bold text will make it easier for you to find the explanations you need in the help file.