Adjusting the Light Settings

Double-clicking a light in the drawing brings up the Light Settings dialog where you can adjust the light and its properties.


  • What settings the Light settings dialog displays depends on which light is currently selected. This page describes all settings that can be found in the dialog, although they are not applicable on each and every light.

  • Remember to confirm all changes in the Light settings dialog with the Apply or OK button.




In the Status field, use the radio buttons to turn the light On or Off. All lights in the Tools tab default to being on.



In the Light field, you can adjust the how much light the component should cast.


Having placed a Ceiling Spotlight Grid, this is where you specify the Column spacing and Row spacing.



Having placed a Ceiling Spotlight or a Ceiling Spotlight Grid, use the Angle slider to control how narrow or wide the light cone should be.



In the Shadows field, use the radio buttons On or Off  to decide whether the light should cast shadows or not.



Lights that can be aimed at something, such as the spotlight, have two height settings; one for the actual Spotlight and one for the Target. They also have a Height range where it is possible to specify the allowed range for the light.

Other lights, for example the levitating light source, only have a Light height, which is their elevation.

A third possibility, as seen with the Fluorescent strip for example, is to set a Ceiling height and a Light height. The gap between them will then show a visible cord.