Using your own RGB Colors

To use the RGB colors which you have created yourself and stored in the database, follow the instructions below:

  1. Right-click on the component for which you want to change the color. A pop-up menu is displayed.

  2. Choose Material/Color from the pop-up menu. The Material/Color Change dialog is displayed.

  3. Select RGB Color, in the field Color Model/Type. The RGB Color field appears in the dialog.

  4. Click on the arrow on the right of the drop-down list in the field RGB Color.

  5. Choose Custom from the list.

  6. Click on Browse. The Select and Edit RGB Color dialog is displayed.

  7. Choose the category from the Category drop-down list in the dialog.

  8. Select the color you want from the Description column, by clicking on the desired color.

  9. Click on OK or Apply.

  10. Click on OK or Apply in the dialog Material/Color Change.