Adjusting RGB Color to Match Selected Texture

In the Material/Color Change dialog you can choose to have both a RGB Color and a Texture. You can use this possibility when you want to match the color of a component on the drawing surface with its appearance in 3D.

Furthermore, to choose a texture and automatically match the color of a component in the drawing area with the texture you have selected for the 3D view, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the component or surface you want to apply a texture to. A pop-up menu will appear.

  2. Choose Material/Color in the pop-up menu. The dialog Material/Color Change appears.

  3. Select Texture. The Texture field now shows to right in the dialog.

  4. Click the Preview button in the Texture field. The  Textures dialog appears.

  5. Click the button named Folder in the upper left corner of the dialog. A new dialog, where you can select the folder containing your textures, is shown.

  6. Pick a folder and click the OK button. The textures in the folder now show in the Textures dialog.

  7. Select a texture by clicking on it. A pink rectangle now frames the picture.

  8. Click the OK or Apply button to confirm the choice.

  9. In the Material/Color Change dialog, the path for your selected texture now shows in the Texture field.

  10. In the RGB Color field, click the arrow to expand the drop-down list.

  11. Choose Custom at the bottom of the list.

  12. Click the Get RGB From Texture button. The program now calculates the color that best represents the texture.

  13. Click OK or Apply in the Material/Color Change dialog to change the color of the component on the drawing surface.