Open Auto-saved Drawing

The drawings you create in the drawing area will be saved automatically, provided that you have checked the Auto save at interval box in the Drawing File Settings field in the Control Panel.

You can also choose how often the drawings should be auto saved. If you do not enter a name for a drawing, InstantPlanner will give it a number. If you have Auto save at interval checked, you can access the last 10 drawings you have saved, or if you have worked for a long time on one drawing, the last 10 versions of the same drawing.

When a new drawing is auto saved for the first time, the oldest auto saved drawing is deleted.

Follow these instructions to open an auto saved drawing:

  1. Choose Open Autosaved Drawing from the File menu.

  2. Highlight the drawing you want to open and click on Open, or double-click on the drawing you want to open.


  • The menu item Open Autosaved Drawing does not appear in the File menu until you activate the Auto save at interval command in the Control Panel.