Rendering images

You can render a 3D image at any time while drawing in CET Designer. By clicking one of the camera buttons (see Figure 1 below) you can freeze the object in the 3D view and produce a real picture. When you add a new object or click in the 3D drawing area again, the animated graphics return.

The white camera button generates a black and white contour image, while the black camera button generates a full rendering and full-color image. These buttons are on the toolbar between the 2D and 3D views.



Figure 1


You will now find four different rendering options in the 3D view toolbar.


From the left:

- Render Quick Image: Gives you a quick preview of what the image will look like when rendered.

- Render Image: Gives you a rendered image with good quality.

- Render high quality image: Gives you a high-quality image.



Note: To make it easier to generate 3D images at any time, the black camera button is available in various locations throughout the program.