Angle Menu

From the Angle menu, you can quickly rotate an activated component or group of components by choosing one of the menu items. You can also set the amount by which the component will turn when you rotate it using the mouse.

If you choose the first item on the menu, Set Angle, you open the Set Angle dialog. In the left-hand field on the dialog, you enter the amount by which an activated component will rotate. If you put a minus sign before the number you enter, the component will rotate clockwise. If there is no minus sign, the component will rotate counter clockwise.

In the Step field, you can choose how much the component will turn when you rotate it using the mouse. The smallest step is 1 degree and the largest is 45 degrees. Click on OK or Apply when you have chosen the settings you want.


Note:  In order to be able to select an item from the Angle menu, the component in the drawing area must be activated.



It is easy to rotate a component through the right number of degrees by choosing one of the items on the menu.


You want to turn a component or a group of components through 60 degrees clockwise.

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Make sure that the component or group in the drawing area is activated.

  2. From the Angle menu, choose '- 60'.