Using a Print Frame

To use a print frame, follow the instructions below:

  1. Select the Print Frame component from the Tools tab.

  2. Move the mouse pointer into the drawing area. A blue frame is attached to it.

  3. Position and stretch the size of the print frame in one step. Click and hold the left mouse button whilst dragging the mouse pointer diagonally across the drawing layout, until all the objects that you want on your printout are inside the frame. When happy, release the mouse button.

  4. The dialog box Print Frame Settings is shown, make desired settings and click Apply (keep the dialog box open).

  5. In order to center the objects in the print frame, proceed to the drawing area. In the upper right-hand corner of the frame you will see a yellow little box. Click on the box once. The objects in your drawing are now centered in the printable area of the frame.

  6. Click on the Print Settings button, in the Print Frame Settings dialog, to open the dialog Standard - Print Settings.

  7. In the Print Drawing field, check the Drawing check box

  8. Make sure that the print frame is activated in the drawing area (that the yellow snap points are visible). Select the Selected print frame option. If you have several print frames, and would like to print them all, select All print frames.

  9. If you wish a logotype to appear on the printout, check the Show logotype box and browse for the bitmap file.

  10. In the Copies field, enter the number of copies you wish to print.

  11. If you want to see in advance what the printout will look like, click on Preview button.

  12. If you are happy with the result, close the preview and click on Print.



  • If you accidentally close the Print Frame Settings dialog, double-click between the dashed blue line and the black line.

  • When the printer setup for the frame is done and you have confirmed with OK or Apply, a blue inner frame appears inside the black solid one. Now you can clearly see where the drawing header is. Make sure that the whole drawing is inside the blue frame -  objects placed outside will not appear on the printout.

  • After you have placed and activated the frame in the drawing area and done your printer setup in the Print Frame Settings dialog, you can also close the dialog and print out the drawing in the usual way by going to the Print menu or by clicking on the icon on the toolbar.

  • To be able to select the alternative Selected print frame in the Print Settings dialog, the frame in the drawing area must be activated. You activate a frame by clicking at the very edge of the frame, between the blue dotted line and the black solid one.

  • To move the print frame in the drawing area, click between the dashed blue line and the black line, and drag the frame.

  • You can also set the drawing scale by stretching the print frame. Click on one of the three snap points on the right-hand side of the frame, hold down the mouse button and drag the frame until it is the size you want.

  • When you print several print frames, you can print each one at a different scale and on a separate printer.