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What's New in Configura Core 8.5?

New import of files in the STEP format

To consolidate the Configura platform for the future and to give it even more of a competitive edge, we have implemented an import of 3D models from STEP files. STEP stands for Standard for the Exchange of Product Data. This ISO standard exchange format is used to share product data between different software applications. The .step file extension is interchangeable with the .stp file extension.

To import a 3D model from a STEP file, go to the Import and Export tab. Click the Import 3D object icon and place it in the drawing area. When browsing for objects to open, the .stp format is now available as its own option in the drop-down, and also included in the All 3D files option.


New area option added to CAD export dialog

A new area option for CAD export - Position - has been added. The Position area option exports the entire room that a component is currently within.


Rewritten and more automated Error Reporting

In order for us to better pick up on issues that make Configura crash, we have completely rewritten the way Configura handles and reports crashes. Since it is essential for us to receive crash reports, we have made it easier for our users to submit them by just clicking a button or two. No external email program has to be opened, and no log files have to be attached manually. The reports that we receive are very helpful in identifying and fixing issues.

Should Configura crash, the dialog below is what you will encounter from now on:


New option for loading the most recent drawing after crash

To make the recovery after a crash as smooth as possible, you can now choose to load the drawing that was last saved when restarting Configura. It could either be a drawing that you have saved yourself, or a back-up or autosaved drawing. Information is presented about which drawing was last saved, and at what time. You can then decide to load the drawing or to skip the step and start with a new drawing.


General autosave enhancements

To keep your work as safe as possible, we have worked on several enhancements concerning the autosave function in Configura. The most important change is that we have decided to always keep the autosave function active. Therefore, we have removed the option to turn the autosave on/off, which was previously found in the Control Panel.


Bug fixes




The features and fixes described above are only accessible in the latest release of Configura core. For information about how and when your customization can benefit from these changes, please talk to your Configura contact.



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What was new in Configura Core 8.4?

Extended language support in the Walkthrough and new anti-alias option

Our Walkthrough now has support for other languages. English and Swedish are in place, and other languages can be added too.

We've also added an anti-alias option to the Walkthrough. Anti-alias is a powerful technique that is used to make lines and edges look soft and smooth, which adds extra quality. Bear in mind, however, that the more anti-alias you use, the harder your computer has to work. Setting a high anti-alias may result in a rather jerky Walkthrough.

The anti-alias slider and the language options are found in the Walkthrough Settings.

Please note that the language settings in the Control Panel do not affect the language in the Walkthrough. Since the Walkthrough is a separate process, the language has to be changed there. After selecting language, the Walkthrough will remember your choice the next time.

Additional options for exporting components as 3D

When exporting a component as 3D, we now display a new dialog box where you can choose between exporting a single object or a group. We've also added options for setting a model space unit.

To export a component as 3D, start by selecting it, and then go to the File menu. Highlight Export and click Export selected component as 3D.

New integration with MyConfigura

To enable more interaction with our clients and users through Briefcases, we've added a MyConfigura integration to the Configura software. Next to your profile picture, you are now able to see if there are any unread posts or comments on MyConfigura:

Clicking the notification expands a list, where you have direct access to the most recent updates on MyConfigura.

Please note that the MyConfigura integration and message notification demands internet access.



The features and fixes described above are only accessible in the latest release of Configura core. For information about how and when your customization can benefit from these changes, please talk to your Configura contact.



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What was new in Configura Core 8.3.2?

Introducing Configura Walkthrough

We're proud to introduce  Configura Walkthrough! This brand new feature helps you wow the clients by showing them in realtime exactly what their space will look like. You can move around in 3D, go back and forth, move up and down and turn 360 degrees around. A walkthrough adds a nice sense of realism and puts the viewer in the driving seat. Go on - try it out!

Follow these links to learn more about Configura Walkthrough:

About Configura Walkthrough

Starting a walkthrough

Navigating in a walkthrough

Walkthrough Toolbar

Walkthrough Settings


Improved 3D graphics with new versions of RED and Teigha

To improve your experience with our 3D graphics, we have updated the advanced graphics engine (RED) to the latest version. Also, the software for loading and writing to .dwg files (Teigha) has been updated to better accommodate your needs.

Updates of our accessories

We're embracing the newest technology by adding a brand new tablet to the accessories!

We've also updated and modernized the look of some old favorites. These standard components now have a smoother, sleeker appearance.


Faster and more responsive drawing area

Loading drawings in the advanced graphics mode is now faster as Configura has streamlined the process, resulting in shorter response times.

These changes make the drawing area more responsive, particularly when performing large operations such as pasting large groups of objects.

Now you can export your components as 3D

With this release, we've made it possible to export single components as 3D. This opens up for the possibility to import an object into an external 3D program and prepare your model for use in, for example, Trimble 3D Warehouse. The file formats available are Configura (.cfg3d), Stereolithography (.stl) and Wavefront (.obj).


Follow this link to learn more about exporting components as 3D:

Export selected component as 3D

Fixes for the Position tool

Several reported issues have led to a number of fixed problems with the Position tool. For example, it now places items right where they should be.


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What was new in Configura Core 8.3.1?

Copying and pasting images into Configura

Now it's quicker and easier to paste images anywhere in your drawing area. Images that you have copied to your clipboard can be pasted into Configura by right-clicking and selecting Paste or by pressing the Ctrl+V short command. This feature offers a convenient way of picking images from PDF:s or other documents and using them in the Configura software.

Specify dimensions with the new Image measuring tool

Once you have copied and pasted your image, you probably want to make sure it has the right dimensions and scale before starting to add furniture and equipment. This is now possible thanks to the new Image measuring tool, which lets you get a control measurement and then adjust the image according to the original drawing. The Image measuring tool is found in the Import and Export tab.


Include level outlines in printouts

The option to include level outlines in printouts has been added to the Level settings dialog.

Also, the Level tool has previously had some problems with items erroneously moving around, which have now been solved.

Removed inaccurate rotation arrows from Print frames

Print frames have earlier shown rotation arrows when clicking the yellow snap points, although they cannot be rotated. This behavior has now been corrected and the snap points show the correct arrows for stretching the frame instead.

What was new in Configura Core 8.3?

Solved issues



The features and fixes described above are only accessible in the latest release of Configura core. For information about how and when your customization can benefit from these changes, please talk to your Configura contact.


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