Using the Light Source or Area Light

The Light source and the Area light are both used as a general light to light up your scene. They produce quite a strong light and, usually, it is enough to only use one of these components in a drawing layout.

The difference between these two components is that the light source spreads light in every direction from its center, whereas the area light spreads light up- and downward from the entire area. This difference is clearly visible in these renderings, where both components are placed at the same height right above the table:



Placing a Light source

To place a Light source in your drawing, follow these steps:

  1. On the Tools tab, click to select the light source and move it to the drawing area.

  2. Click once to place the light source in the desired location. A new light source component is now available on the mouse cursor.

  3. Repeat step 2 if you want to add more light sources to your drawing.

  4. When you are finished, press the Esc key or move the cursor outside the drawing area to release the component.


Placing an Area light

To place an Area light in your drawing, follow these steps:

  1. On the Tools tab, click to select the area light and move it to the drawing area.

  2. Click once to set the starting point, keep holding the left mouse button down and start moving the mouse cursor diagonally to form a square or rectangle:

  3. When reaching the desired size, release the mouse button. A new area light component is now available on the mouse cursor.

  4. Repeat steps 2-3 if you want to add more area lights to your drawing.

  5. When you are finished, press the Esc key or move the cursor outside the drawing area to release the component.


Light source and Area light settings

Double-clicking a light source or the area light label brings up the Light Settings dialog where you can make adjustments.



  • The light source and area light source components are not visible in renderings and printouts.

  • No visible effect from your light? Check that you haven't placed it above a double-sided ceiling, in which case it will not be able to shine through the ceiling. Either lower the light, or disable the Double Sided option for the Automatic ceiling found in the Render & camera settings dialog.

  • The Light source and the Area light are both strong and should not be placed too close to walls or ceilings as this could cause a whiteout effect and overexposed images.