Importing dwg/dxf

CET Designer allows you to import CAD-files with the file formats dwg or dxf.



Figure 1 - The CAD (dwg/dxf) dialog icon on the Tools component tab.


Import a drawing

Follow the steps below to import a dwg/dxf drawing:

  1. Select Import CAD (dwg/dxf) drawing from the File menu, alternatively click the CAD (dwg/dxf) dialog icon on the Tools component tab (see Figure 1).

  2. Click the Import new button (see Figure 2, no. 2). An Open dialog appears.

  3. Locate the file you are looking for. Select the file name and click Open.

  4. Go to the CAD (dwg/dxf) properties tab and to the CAD (dwg/dxf) layers tab and make desired settings.

  5. If you wish to preview the drawing with the applied settings, click the Apply button. A tip is to deselect the Show in 3D view check box.

  6. Click OK.



Figure 2 - The top part of the CAD (dwg/dsf) dialog.




  • Click the Reload button if you have made any modification in a CAD file that you have loaded and would like to reload (see Figure 2, no. 3).

  • If you would like to remove a file that you have loaded, click the arrow to the right of the field where the file name is. Select the file and click the Remove button (see Figure 2, no. 4).

  • CET Designer supports the import of dwg files with Xref.


Settings when importing a dwg/dxf file

The CAD (dwg/dxf) dialog consists of two tabs: CAD (dwg/dxf) properties and CAD (dwg/dxf) layers, as you can see in Figure 1 above.


The CAD (dwg/dxf) properties tab is divided into four fields:


You also have the option to make further settings by clicking the Advanced settings button.



Figure 3