
From design to quote

We will now go through the different stages in CET Designer's work process, from initial contact with the customer to sending off a quote.

Downloading and installing

Start by downloading the CET Designer software from Configuras website and install it on your computer. When starting the program, the Extension Manager is shown automatically. You now need to download Extensions and install them on your computer. When you have installed all the product extensions that you need, it is time to start producing the design.

Creating the drawing layout

Drawing the room or importing an existing Cad layout

For smaller areas and provided that you have the room dimensions, you can draw the walls and place windows and doors from the start in CET Designer. All the drawing items that you need are on the Wall drawing component tab. If accessible, the most efficient way of working is to import an existing Cad layout. This way you do not need to spend any time on the layout, but start focusing on designing your products right away.  

Creating a design

Now it is time to design your products and plan the space for functionality. Two important issues to consider when creating a design are the room's potential and the customer's wishes. You will notice right away that CET Designer helps you through the design process by keeping track of product rules and behavior. This will prevent you from making inappropriate product combinations.

Below is a recommended procedure for working in CET Designer:

1. Creating the design

Design your products and make the best use of the space, the way you're used to doing it. You can design in 2D or 3D - whichever suits you best. Certain actions are easier to perform in 3D view, such as adjusting a product's height. A product's width can be adjusted while you place it by stretching it to the desired dimension before clicking it into place in the drawing area. You will notice that the program knows which product dimensions are allowed.

2. Making changes to the design

So far the focus has been on designing for functionality. However, CET Designer allows you to make dynamic changes to design, appearance and product characteristics at any time during the design process. Changes can either be made to a single product or to all the products in the drawing. When selecting a component in the drawing by clicking it, an input box opens where you can make change the desired properties. It is helpful to know that in many situations, you can replace a component without having to remove it first.

Reviewing and adjusting prices

In the program window's top-right corner, a field shows the current price for all components in the drawing area. The price is updated as new products are placed in the drawing area. At any time during the designing stage, it is possible to look more closely at the price calculations generated while you have been working. Simply click the price to open CET Designer's Calculation dialog box. Here you can check prices, article amounts, article numbers and descriptions, as well as possible discounts.

Creating the proposal

You have come to the stage where you will want to preview your proposal in order to decide on a final quote for the customer.

A proposal from CET Designer includes the following documents:


You don't have to include all of these documents in your proposal; just clear the check boxes for information you don't wish to include in the Print dialog box. You can print the proposal or save it as a PDF.



Note: Depending on the Extensions installed the print out options can vary.

Home > Getting Started > Basic steps > From design to quote