In the Configura Walkthrough window, there is a toolbar at the bottom of the window:
From left to right, these functions and associated keyboard shortcuts are:
Render image: renders an image with the current render settings in the Walkthrough. |
Copy to clipboard (Ctrl + C): copies the current view to the clipboard. |
Reset camera height (F3): resets the camera to default height. |
Fullscreen / Restore (F11): shows the walkthrough in fullscreen mode / restores from fullscreen to normal mode. The Esc key can also be used to exit fullscreen mode. |
Open Walkthrough settings (F12 or Q): opens two tabs to the left in the Walkthrough window; one for Render settings, and one for Walkthrough settings. |
Help (F1): opens the Walkthrough Help. |
Show / hide toolbox (Tab): toggles the camera positions toolbox to show / hide. |
Related pages
Rendering photos from the Walkthrough