By checking or unchecking the different alternatives in the View menu, you choose to show or to hide components in the drawing area. Components that you have chosen to hide in the drawing area are grayed out completely on the different tabs.
The different options available in the menu are:
Assemble Parts - only valid for customized versions of Configura, and not for Configura Standard.
Dimensions - includes all the dimensions from the Line Drawing 2 tab.
Line Drawing - includes all the components from the Line Drawing 1 tab apart from the drawing aids.
Drawing Aids - includes the reference points and the help lines from the two tabs Line Drawing 1 tab and House Components.
House Components - includes all the components from the House Components tab apart from the drawing aids.
3D Parts - includes the components under the 3D heading on the Tools tab, i.e. Camera, Spotlight, Sun and Light Source.
In a line drawing that you have drawn yourself or in a Cad drawing that you have imported into the program, it is possible to move a wall, a window or any other component by mistake. Therefore there is a possibility to lock the whole drawing. You do this by checking the alternative Lock Line Drawing.
This command grays out all components on the two tabs Line Drawing 1 and House Components, as well as the Cad components on the Import and Export tab. It will also hide all these components in the drawing area.
Another area when this function is useful is when you work with large Cad drawings. To increase the speed, it is recommended that you choose Lock Line Drawing once you have made changes to an imported drawing.